The Entrepreneur Africa

3 ways to use Text Message as a Marketing strategy

Without customers, your business is bound to suffer stagnation or even death. And that’s why it’s important to secure loyal customers who will help keep your business alive. But how you go about getting these customers or advertising your products and services to them may spell doom, if not done the proper way.

Marketing strategies to get your brand out there are numerous, one of them being through text messages.

Though not for all businesses, using text messaging as a marketing strategy is quite wonderful and advantageous in that your customers receive your message in real-time. So, we’ve outlined a few tips that you must be mindful of when using text messaging as a marketing strategy so that you don’t turn off your customers and lose your credibility.


  1. Seek their permission: Seeking your customers’ consent is one way to earn their respect and show them that you are courteous and not desperate. So, ensure you have their consent before you send them advert text messages.


  1. Don’t send messages at odd hours: You run 9am to 5pm business hours for instance, but you choose to send messages to your customers at midnight. Who does that? Make sure your consumers don’t feel like they’re flooded with messages at inappropriate hours or trapped in a subscription.

Also ensure you make it easy for them to opt out at any time. Knowing they can do so usually makes them feel more comfortable opting in from the start.

3. Add value: No matter what you communicate through your marketing text messages, make sure that, above all else, it’s relevant and adds value to the consumer’s experience with your brand

The Entrepreneur Africa

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