The Entrepreneur Africa

Category - CAREERS

Skills that will make you rich quickly

Making more money is the fastest way to become Rich as there is no limit to how much money you can make. One of the major roadblocks to financial success is to depend on a source of income that can barely sustain you...

The Best Career Jobs for Introverts and Extroverts

The Best Career Jobs for Introverts and Extroverts

This post was originally written (By Jillian Kramer) Find the excerpt below. Some individuals are introverted, more shy, calm and introspective,  these set of people expel energy to be in the gathering of people. While...

The Older Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success

Linda Nagamine is much like any other entrepreneur. She’s energetic. She’s a risk-taker. But there’s something that might make Nagamine, who founded her business in 2007, seem unique: She’s 60...