The Entrepreneur Africa

Vote for the candidates that support entrepreneurship, Lawyer and Media guru counsels Nigerians.

Lagos-based Lawyer and Media guru, David Agu, Esq. has admonished Nigerians to focus more on voting for candidates who have a blueprint for growing and supporting entrepreneurship in the country.

David Agu, CEO of The Entrepreneur Africa and stated this when he granted an interview to Kaftan TV during the ‘Business Lunch” programme of the popular television channel earlier today.

According to the young CEO, Entrepreneurship remains a major and viable vehicle to cause positive societal development and economic rebirth.

In his words: “all indices pointing to growth and development in Nigeria are negative and have remained so for a long time now because Government at all levels have continued to pay lip service to reviving the economy and making life better for its citizenry. Therefore, it is imperative that all Nigerians seize the opportunity that the 2019 elections offer and vote in candidates that genuinely and deliberately have entrepreneurship in their plans.”

He went further to state that Nigerians have great entrepreneurial drives within them and are constantly seeking opportunities to express themselves. However, Government which ought to encourage them isn’t doing enough. He cited erratic power supply, lack of requisite skills, poor funding, infrastructural decay, dearth of committed personnel as some of the impediments to entrepreneurship.


He, therefore, called on Nigerians to use the power of their votes to cause the much needed paradigm shift that will usher in economic rebirth and massive growth in entrepreneurship.

The Entrepreneur Africa

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